Wednesday 3 December 2014

Narative Run Through

  • Shows logos – diegetic sound of car crash – no visual
  • Cut to child crying/hiding (just experienced crash/trauma), comforting hand of other child, go to a bench/seat, one comforts the other – They become better friends through this
  • Graphic match to same hands in hospital – EMOTIONAL HOSPITAL BIT
  • Shows flashback through editing – bright white – zoom into hospital light (now show their lives before this hospital bit
  • Cut to posh guy getting ready early in the morning – showing him taking pride in his appearance, putting on a suit, combing his hair etc (camera as mirror?)
  • Show watch/clock, then cutting to watch/clock in misfortunate guy’s room, (showing the same time) – still in bed, room is a tip, obviously doesn’t care, no self-pride etc – fades out to black (now jumps to different day in these guys lives - still in past before hospital)
  • Fortunate guy getting out of fancy car, walks into nice building, pans from guy going into door to sign by the door advertising interview/internship – making progress in his career
  • Cuts to misfortunate guy dealing drugs/taking drugs in alleyway – shady, not good
  • misfortunate guy on bench  – costume/mise-en-scene shows he’s scruffy – fortunate guy walks up in very posh suit – obviously well-off – sits down to eat his lunch
  • Pause, then moment of realisation as they recognise each other
  • Ten cuts to showing the rich guy helping the less fortunate, spending time together-catching up (in coffee shop?)

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