Thursday 4 December 2014

Why Social Realism?

Hommage to Trainspotting

When creating the our storyboard, we realised that one of our protagonists would be shown to be in bed. During this scene we wish to portray him as lazy, unemployed, messy and the complete opposite of our other protagonist, shown in the scene prior to this.

What we realised about this particular scene, is that it could be linked closely with one from the movie Trainspotting, further raising the idea of paying homage to this film. This would not only further connect our trailer with the Social Realism genre this film portrays, but also to connect the theme of drugs to our trailer.

We found the following clip from Trainspotting, which shows the aforementioned scene, and decided to use parts of the 'mise en scene' within it in our own similar scene, thus paying homage to this highly popular and well-known film from the genre of Social Realism.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Audience Theory

Genre Theory

Possible Production Company Names and Logo's

These are the idea's Grace created and presented to our group. We are going to ask peoples opinion and then come to a decision together about which one we are going to use.

Narrative Conventions


We did research into narrative conventions - in particular time and place and how it is shown...

From this research we discovered that the main ways it was shown was through:

  • Lightning bolts and electricity to show time travel 
  • Technology - shows future (times machines and spaceships)
  • Graffic matches show objects passing through time or a change of place e.g: space odyssey
  • Cross fades and blurs demonstrate the cross over of certain time period 
  • Similar colours (in particular blues) shows the continuous theme of time 
